Feb. 18, 2002
Phat Air
I want to snowboard.
I want to catch some phat air.
I want to tame the vicious Olympic half-pipe into a whimpering poodle by racing at break-neck speed toward the wall,
clipping the ridge skyward and launching into the most bodacious, gargantuan amplitude ever.
I want more air than a scuba diver.
Full Column Here
March 12, 2001
"Just Execute Me"
Do you like to watch?
Do you gaze intently, looking on as the leather straps are pulled tight?
Do you stare when that look of excited apprehension rushes over their face, as their body is immobilized and the punishment
Do you like to watch?
Timothy McVeigh hopes you do.
The mass-murdering fertilizer fiend wants to be a martyr.
Full Column Here
Dec. 8, 2001
Did you hear the news? Did you feel the buzz? This past week a celebrated inventor finally pulled the wraps off his latest
He predicted it would be the greatest thing since sliced bread and microwave popcorn.
The privileged few who he'd taken into his inner sanctum boasted it would be the next BIG THING, even bigger than the
personal computer and the Internet.
Full Column Here
