• North Carolina Press Association:
First Place in the Appearance and Design category, which was judged on “attractiveness and consistency of layout, typography,
use of photos, effective headlines and overall impact of the newspaper’s appearance.” The paper submitted two
complete issues from April 2012; the lead-in weekend issue when NASCAR made history and returned to Rockingham Speedway, and
the April 17 issue which provided complete coverage of the big event and was packed with many photographs and stories. Awarded
to the staff.
• North Carolina Press Association:
First Place, Lighter Columns, for three columns: "Get your pants off the ground," about the habit of some who wear their trousers
hanging low, "A kick in the stomach," about the experience of county fair food, and "Let's get real when it comes to picking
Pope," suggesting alternative ways to select a new Pontiff.
First Place, Serious Columns, for three columns: "Enough to make you sick," about health care costs and reform, "Buckle up:
Easy to play it safe," advising motorists to use safety belts, and "There has to be a better way," about the BP oil spill
in the Gulf of Mexico.
• North Carolina
Press Association:
— Third Place, Profile
Feature category, for his story "Local doctor's effort gives Filipino girl chance at life," about a Red Springs physician
who successfully removed a life-threatening growth from the forehead of a Filipino girl.
• North Carolina Press Association:
Third Place, Serious Columns, for three opinion pieces:"Every picture tells a story," about the murder of UNC student body
president Eve Carson; "Don't always answer nature's call," about the tragic death of a young man in the wilderness of Alaska;
and "Flood waters rise, sharks circle," on the media frenzy over Bristol Palin, the pregnant teenage daughter of Republican
vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
• South Carolina
Press Association:
— Third Place, feature
writing award, profile on "The Cookie Lady."
• Associated Press:
— First Place, news
columns, “Praise the Lord and Pass the Judgment,” about TV’s Ellen coming out of the
• Michigan Press
— Third Place, column
writing, three columns: “Heaven’s Gate troupe beams up to join UFO” about the mass suicide of Marshall Applewhite
and his comet-obsessed followers; “Gentlemen, start your ... recollections!” about his boyhood dream of racing
at the Indy 500; and “Ad trend begs the question ‘Is it really a good idea?’” about advertisements
that pose questions to consumers.
• Michigan Press
— First Place, column
writing, John Charles Robbins, three columns on JonBenet Ramsey murder, the caffeine
patch, and anger management.
• Associated Press
Editorial Association, Michigan:
— First Place, News
Features, court in movie house, John Charles Robbins. 15,000 and under.
• Associated Press
1992 newswriting and photo contest:
— Third Place, Sustained
Coverage of a Single News Event, John Charles Robbins, Jennifer A. Srigley, Kara R. DuLac, and Michael LaFleche, for coverage
of escape, arrest and trial of Raymond Thacker and how the murders of two Levering men changed the community. 15,000 and under.
• Michigan Press
Association, 1990 Better Newspaper Contest:
— First Place, column
writing, John Charles Robbins. Open to all dailies. second place Robin Abcarian of Detroit Free Press; third place Mike McKesson
of Flint Journal; and Carl Peterson of the Daily Mining Gazette. Judge's wrote of Robbins' work: "It wasn't difficult to choose
John's work as the 'creme de la creme' — his style is sharp, witty, warm and thought provoking.
Excellent." Columns entitled:
"Risque cover draws magazine reader's ire," about Life magazine's issue on the 100th anniversary of the bra; "Dwarf throwing:
Here's the long and short of it,"; "Voyager let us explore the great unknown,"; "Just because your face doesn't make the cut"
about plastic surgery; and "Just can't get away from that March Madness," about his love of basketball.
• United Press
International, Michigan, Awards of Excellence Competition:
— Honorable Mention,
General Excellence in Writing, John Charles Robbins: Pig on main street, John Kosciecha trial, satanism. 400 entries. 15,000
and under.
• United Press International,
— First Place, Column
Writing, John Charles Robbins.
— First Place, Spot
News, "Two die in Petoskey," John Charles Robbins. about a murder-suicide.
— Second Place,
General Excellence in Writing, John Charles Robbins. 400 entries. 15,000 and under.
• National Newspaper
Association 1987 National Better Newspaper Contest:
— First Place, best
coverage of health-related issues, special report Medical Malpractice, Dianne Murray and John Charles Robbins.
• United Press International,
1987 Awards of Excellence:
— First Place, Special
Section, report on Medical Malpractice, Dianne Murray and John Charles Robbins. 400 entries. 15,000 and under.
• Michigan Press
Association 1986 Newspaper Contest:
— First Place, Enterprise-Features
division, medical malpractice, special report, Dianne Murray and John Charles Robbins. Class B dailies, 10,000-30,000 circulation.
— Honorable Mention,
Column Writing, John Charles Robbins. "Name Calling prompts strange press conferences" about Moammar Gadhafi; "You should
be anxious to this read this column," on anxiety; "Shuttle mishap will stay in our memories" on the Challenger disaster; "Coffee
prices pushes java junkie to the edge,"; and "As the weather cools, the flies move inside" on pests and insects. Division,
all daily newspapers. 1,562 entries from 81 weekly and 44 dailies.
• American Academy
of Family Physicians Journalism Awards Competition:
— First Place, report
on Medical Malpractice in 1986, Dianne Murray and John Charles Robbins. 300 entries. category newspapers under 100,000.
• United Press International,
Michigan, awards of excellence competition:
— Outstanding Achievement,
Special Section, child abuse by Audrey Collins and John Charles Robbins, with assistance of Dianne Murray and Kendall
P. Stanley.
• Michigan Press
Association 1985 Newspaper Contest:
— First place, enterprise/feature
stories, for special report on child abuse by Audrey Collins and John Charles Robbins, with assistance of Dianne Murray and
Kendall P. Stanley. 10,000-30,000, with 1,582 entries from 42 daily and 80 weekly.
• Automobile Club
of Michigan:
— Steering Wheel
Award, staff for report on alcoholism. dailies 15,000 and under.
• United Press International
Awards Competition, Michigan:
— First Place, Column
Writing, John Charles Robbins, for columns titled: "A son remembers," about the death of his father, "A Ronald
Reagan Primer" about the words Reagan introduced into the American vocabulary, and "Is Tom Selleck a Hunk or What? about woman's
preferences in men.
— Outstanding Achievement,
Feature Stories, "The Victim — raped woman tells of private Hell," John Charles Robbins. 500 entries. Class A under
15,000 circulation.
• Michigan League
of Home Dailies:
— Second Place,
Public Service, special report on alcohol abuse, staff. 8,600 or more circulation.
• Inland Daily Press
Association Local Government News Contest:
— First Place, investigative,
interpretive and background reporting for special section on child abuse, by John Charles Robbins and Audrey Collins, with
assistance from Dianne Murray and Kendall P. Stanley. 10,001-25,000.
• Michigan Press
Association 1984 Newspaper contest:
— Third Place, Enterprise-Feature
Stories, for "The Victim." John Charles Robbins.
— Third Place, Sports
Writing, doctors vs. lawyers softball game, John Charles Robbins.
— Second Place,
Public Service, alcohol abuse section. class B 10,000-30,000. 1,527 entries, 40 dailies, 85
• National Newspaper
Association, National Better Newspaper Contest:
— Third Place, Best
Review, "Why always fear the unknown?" about the movie E.T., John Charles Robbins.
— Third Place, Freedom
of Information, harbor council open meetings, John Charles Robbins. Series of articles about an alleged violation of the Michigan
Open Meetings Act by the Harbor Springs City Council. The award was based on a review of four news stories concerning the
meeting and the News-Review's follow-up with the Michigan Attorney General's Office.
• Michigan Press
Association 1983 Newspaper Contest:
— Honorable Mention,
Special Sections, staff, November 1982 election supplement.
• United Press International,
— Outstanding Achievement,
Column Writing, John Charles Robbins, "That is All."
• Associated Press,
— First Place, Feature
Photo, snow clarinet, Cheboygan Daily Tribune, John Charles Robbins.
• Michigan Press
— First Place, Column
Writing, Suburban News, John Charles Robbins, "That is All."
A journalist for more than 33 years, Robbins has won 22 individual awards in Michigan, South
Carolina and North Carolina, including 13 for his opinion column, "That is All," plus 12 team
Robbins has won both state
and national awards in the following categories:
• Column writing
• Feature Photography
• Best Review
• Freedom of Information
• Special Sections:
• Public Service:
Alcohol abuse
• Investigative,
interpretive and background reporting for special section on child abuse
• Sports Writing
• Best coverage
of health-related issues, special report Medical Malpractice
• Spot News
• General Excellence
in Writing
• Sustained Coverage
of a Single News Event
• Profile Feature
Robbins has received awards
from the following organizations:
• National Newspaper
• Associated Press
• United Press International
• Michigan Press
• South Carolina
Press Association
• North Carolina
Press Association
• Michigan League
of Home Dailies
• Inland Daily Press
• Automobile Club
of Michigan
• American Academy
of Family Physicians Journalism Awards Competition